RxJS Observed Decorator

A Simple Subject State Management Utility

If you’re using Subject or BehaviorSubject state management in Angular and you’re anything like me, you’ve probably written something like this at some point:

export class UserService {
    private usersSubject = new BehaviorSubject<User[]>(null);
    readonly users$ = this.usersSubject.asObservable();

    set users(users: User[]) {

    get users(): User[] {
        return this.usersSubject.getValue();

Needless to say, this is quite a lot of boilerplate code for setting up a property the way I wanted it. I wrote this exact sequence so many times to the point where I made myself a live-template in intelliJ, and a VSCode snippet that auto-generated this block with a variable name.

I digress. I saw room for improvement, and thus the Observed decorator was born.

With this decorator, the above code block could be written in two lines:

export class UserService {
    @Observed() users: User[] = null;
    readonly users$: Observable<User[]>;

Multiple state managed variables become very easy to read.

export class UserService {
    @Observed() users: User[] = null;
    @Observed() selectedUser: User = null;
    @Observed() filter: string = null;

    readonly users$: Observable<User[]>;
    readonly selectedUser$: Observable<User>;
    readonly filter$: Observable<string>;

How does it work?

@Observed() will create a BehvaiorSubject behind the scenes, and whenever you change the value of users, you’re effectively calling userSubject.next();

It will also generate an observable for you, and assigned to a variable named as your @Observed() variable name with a $ as the suffix.

For example:

@Observed() prop = '';

// this will generate an observable and assign it to 'prop$'

Using Subject/ReplaySubject

@Observed() will use a BehaviorSubject under the hood by default, but you can customize it by passing an option into the decorator

@Observed({ type: 'subject' })
@Observed({ type: 'replay', replayOptions: {} })
@Observed({ type: 'behavior' }) // default

For details on replayOptions, see the repository or see RxJS ReplaySubject

Installation/Source Code

For installation details, see here. Should be as simple as:

npm i rxjs-observed-decorator

For the github repo, see here